Policy and Guidance
Statutory guidance for Local Nature Recovery Strategy
Published in March 2023 this is the government guidance that the project will be referring to in drawing together the Kent and Medway Nature Recovery Strategy by May 2025.
Follow link toStatutory guidance for Local Nature Recovery Strategy

The Environment (Local Nature Recovery Strategies) (Procedure) Regulations 2023
Follow link toThe Environment (Local Nature Recovery Strategies) (Procedure) Regulations 2023

State of Nature in Kent
This landmark report is available here and features over sixty contributors across seven chapters. It will be used to inform development of the Kent and Medway Nature Recovery Strategy.

Kent Biodiversity Strategy
The Kent Biodiversity Strategy, published in 2020, habitats that are thriving with wildlife and plants, ensuring the natural environment regain and retain good health. It provides a collaboratively developed, peer reviewed and publicly consulted set of priorities for the county's biodiversity that can be used as a starting point for discussion and an evidence base for the strategy area description.

Kent Habitat Survey 2012
The Kent Habitat Survey provides an assessment of the county's habitat distribution, change and connectivity/fragmentation. Although over 10 years old it still provides an excellent source of information that can be used to inform the Strategy.