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Kent and Medway Local Nature Recovery Strategy

Documents for Supporting Authority and neighbouring Responsible Authority

Pre-consultation Review

The Local Nature Recovery Strategy Regulations (2023) creates a Supporting Authority role within the development process of the strategy.  Supporting Authorities for the Kent & Medway Local Nature Recovery Strategy (LNRS) are all of the strategy area’s local planning authorities and Natural England.  The regulations require the Responsible Authority (Kent County Council) to take reasonable steps to involve, share information with and have regard to the opinions of supporting authorities.

In order to proceed to publication, the responsible authority is required to share the draft LNRS will all the supporting authorities and neighbouring responsible authorities and allow a 28 day period during which objections can be raised with the responsible authority about:

  1. the local nature recovery strategy; or
  2. the responsible authority’s preparation of the local nature recovery strategy, including the extent to which the responsible authority has involved the supporting authority in that preparation.

The review is not seeking support or approval of the LNRS – this is not required by the regulations.  This review is to determine whether the relevant authorities are “content” for the public consultation to proceed.  If no objections are received by the end of the 28 day period, or all the authorities confirm in writing before this time, it is determined that public consultation can go ahead.

The public consultation provides a further and extended period for all to review and comment on the LNRS and make detailed submissions, if required.  A lack of objection and/or a statement that the  authority is “content” to proceed to public consultation will not be viewed as support, approval or adoption of the LNRS by the supporting authority.  It will also not preclude them from making detailed comments during the consultation period.

The 28 day review period commences 14th November and any objections must be received by the Responsible Authority by midnight on 12th December.

During the second half of the review period, the will be the opportunity for authorities to meet with Kent County Council to raise any questions and concerns regarding the draft.  Supporting authorities are invited to book in for these meetings using the following link –

Supporting authority pre-consultation review frequently asked questions

Please do not share this link or documents outside your authority.  The pre-consultation documents are prepared for the supporting authority and neighbouring responsible authority review.  They should not be in the wider domain until that process is complete, and we know whether or not the relevant authorities are content for the draft to proceed to public consultation.  Thank you for your cooperation.

The following documents are made available for the pre-consultation review
(click on the button to open and download the document).

Part 1 – Setting the scene for nature recovery in Kent and Medway

  1. What is a Local Nature Recovery Strategy – including background, purpose of LNRS, elements of the LNRS and an overview of its development
  2. Kent and Medway’s Natural Landscape – looking at the area’s NCAs and catchments, and the protected and significant areas of the county.
  3. What makes Kent and Medway’s nature so special – an overview of the area’s habitats and species.
  4. A changing landscape – changes in landcover, habitats and species; pressures, threats and challenges; and the local and national strategic content for the LNRS.
  5. Nature recovery opportunities in Kent and Medway – recent gains to be built on, opportunities to enhance and extend and deliver nature-based solutions.


Part 2 – Kent and Medway Local Nature Recovery Strategy priorities, potential measures and local habitat map

  1. Kent and Medway Local Habitat Map
  2. Better, bigger, more and joined up – the overarching principles for nature recovery in Kent and Medway
  3. Kent and Medway’s Vision for Nature Recovery
  4. Understanding the priorities and potential measures
  5. Connectivity priorities and potential measures
  6. Nature-based solutions priorities and potential measures
  7. Land management and land use priorities and potential measures
  8. Species priorities and potential measures
  9. Grassland habitats priorities and potential measures
  10. Successional habitat priorities and potential measures
  11. Woodland, trees and hedgerows priorities and potential measures
  12. Freshwater habitat priorities and potential measures
  13. Urban priorities and potential measures
  14. Coastal priorities and potential measures


Part 3 – Kent and Medway Local Nature Recovery Strategy potential measures mapping

Provides maps of all potential measures – these can also be viewed online at Online Kent and Medway LNRS mapping


Part 4 – Kent and Medway Local Nature Recovery Strategy appendices – all available at the bottom of the page

Appendix 1.1 – Summary of local plans review

Appendix 1.2 – Local and national strategies

Appendix 1.3 – Acknowledgements

Appendix 2.1a – Methodology for potential measures mapping

Appendix 2.1b – LNRS potential measures mapping data source

Appendix 2.2 – Kent and Medway LNRS species longlist

Appendix 1.1 Summary of Local Plans Review

Download PDF (165 KB)

Appendix 1.2 Local and National Strategies

Download PDF (117 KB)

Appendix 1.3 Acknowledgements

Download PDF (517 KB)

Appendix 2.1a Methodology For Potential Measures Mapping

Download PDF (219 KB)

Appendix 2.1b LNRS Potential Measures Mapping Data Source List

Download XLSX (50 KB)

Appendix 2.2 Kent And Medway LNRS Species Longlist

Download XLSX (106 KB)