Give us your thoughts on our priorities shortlisting approach – FEEDBACK NOW CLOSED
The Making Space for Nature project has been working with stakeholders to create a longlist of priorities, taken from:
- A series of stakeholder workshops throughout February.
- Supporting tools for groups to host self-led workshops to develop their own priorities for submission.
- An online survey on priorities for nature recovery.
- A review of local plans and strategies.
Whilst all these priorities will be important to the county, its wildlife and its people, it will not be feasible for the strategy to address them all – we have to focus on those considered critical for the recovery of nature in Kent and Medway.
To assist this, an approach to shortlist priorities has been developed – this firstly ensures that priorities are framed in terms of habitats and species, as required by the regulations. It then assesses any potential priorities against a number of considerations, steered by what the LNRS should be addressing and contributing to.
Before we apply this approach to the developing longlist, we want to share our proposal with all to ensure it is considered appropriate and fair. We want to know if you think we are reviewing the priorities against the right considerations. And we want to know if we have unintentionally excluded, or overly favoured, a particular type of outcome/priority.
See below to download the draft approach and for the link to feedback your thoughts – the form will close to comments on 26th February 2024 – FEEDBACK IS NOW CLOSED
Proposed approach for shortlisting the LNRS priorities