The purpose of the workshop is to allow a wider stakeholder group to review and input to the LNRS priority species. To date this work has been steered by a Technical Advisory Group comprising 36 of the county’s species experts. The selection has followed the process set out by Natural England for the identification of LNRS priority species. More detail can be found at: Defining Our Priorities and Actions for Species Recovery | Making Space For Nature Kent
9.30am Registration and refreshments.
10.00am Introductions
- Chair’s welcome.
- Overview of how the priority species have been identified (if available in time, the draft list of LNRS priority species and the process overview will be circulated to stakeholders ahead of the workshops).
- Stakeholder questions.
- Instructions for workshop.
10.30am Session 1 – reviewing the priority species
Species groups based tables will present the identified priority species. Stakeholders will have the opportunity to move around the tables and note challenges and additions to the species selected.
Tables will be based on the following species groupings:
- Birds
- Vascular plants
- Invertebrates (not marine)
- Mammals (not marine)
- Freshwater fish, amphibians and reptiles
- Marine species
Facilitators will be available on each table to ensure that justification for any challenges and additions are captured but this will be a largely self-led exercise. Where possible, the relevant species expert from the TAG will be at the table to answer any questions regarding the species selected (and those not).
11.30am Session 2 – indicator species
A self-led exercise over the coffee break where stakeholders are asked to identify indicator species and iconic species for Kent that may not need prioritisation but could act as indicators or easily recognisable species for a recovering habitat.
Suggestions will be sought for:
- Grasslands
- Successional habitats
- Woodland, trees and hedgerows
- Freshwater
- Urban
- Coastal
- Farmland
- Connecting landscape
12.00pm Session 3 – reviewing the habitat assemblages
Habitat assemblage based tables will present the species covered under this umbrella approach and the potential measures for the habitat designed to support these species. Stakeholders will be asked to identify any other species the assemblage could cover and/or additional potential measures.
Tables will be based on the following habitat assemblages*:
- Grassland, heathland and shrub
- Woodland
- Cropland
- Urban
- Rivers and lakes
- Coastal and inshore
There will be two 25 minute sessions, with stakeholders asked to attend one habitat focused table in each session. This will be a facilitator-led activity.
12.50pm Next steps and thanks from Chairman.
1.00pm Close.